Cyber Frauds – Help me!
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Beware of Cyber Frauds Online !
I received the following email recently. Thank god, it was signed by a person I didn’t know, so i could tell right away it was fraud. However, once I received it from a friend whom I know very well. He mentioned in his email that he is stuck in UK some where and so on. It occurred to me to call him right away. I called his house when I didn’t find him in his office. In that particular case, someone had hijacked his hotmail password and used his hotmail address to email me. It is better to verify before you panic and over ooze sympathy for something that can be a fraud.
<< The Fraud Email >>
I’m sorry I didn’t inform anyone about my trip to London, United Kingdom. Unfortunately I was mugged at gun point, at the hotel park am staying. My mobile phone, cash and credit card was stolen but luckily for me I still have my passport. I was able to make contact with the UK Police and directed to the Consulate, but they seems to be taking things too slow. My flight leaves in few hrs from now, and am having problems settling the hotel bills. I already suggested to postpone the bills but the hotel management insisted I should contact my family & friends at home to send funds my way to settle bills and also have extra money to return home. Please get back to me asap.
<< The end of Fraud Email >>
It will be nice to share some cyber fraud experiences. They are a good laugh as well as provide prevention measures. So, send your cyber fraud experience at
(Please put Attn: Cyber Fraud in the subject line.)
Until then…
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